Some parts of the country already have snow falling. Driving in these conditions can be hazardous. There are more than 1.5 million car accidents associated by poor driving conditions. These conditions are usually caused by bad weather. Poor driving conditions killed 7,000 people and injured 800,000.
You certainly do not want to become a statistic.
Did you know it takes 4 to 10 times longer to brake on icy or snowy asphalt than it does on dry pavement Driving too fast can reduce the amount of time you react to a situation and can add to the severity of any collision you might have. If it is freezing or below, reduce your speed. If the roads have no iced up, they probably will.
Following too closely in poor weather or snowy conditions will definitely reduce your reaction time for anything the car in front of you does. It is recommend that you double or even triple your when does it get cold in jacksonville fl normal distance in between autos. Reaction time is increased if you double your distance and may give you the extra time you need if the vehicle in front of you stops suddenly.
Tires slipping on the ice or snow can cause panic and make you want to slam on the brakes. When you do this, it may cause you to lose traction from your tires and your ability to control your car or truck. When you find yourself skidding or the tires losing traction you should immediately take your foot off the accelerator and steer your way out of a collision. Have you ever watched a car lock there brakes up on snowy or icy conditions? What happened? They just went completely out of control; the idea is to stay in control.
Anti lock brakes are really useful in situations like these. They allow the tire to keep moving and keep traction, while slowing down. Apply even pressure with an ABS system.
Four wheel drive and ABS give people a false sense of security when driving in snowy conditions. Four wheel drive does give an advantage in snow conditions, there no doubt about it. But what it can do is give you a false sense of security.
Some may think they can run down the road just as they do on dry pavement, while they probably could, they may have a hard time stopping. SUV’s are a lot heavier than cars and require more stopping distance. Four wheel drive and all wheel drive are fantastic, but it does not make them invincible.
Don’t be caught off guard by changing weather. I found myself driving to Breckenridge, Co last year with deteriorating weather. It was getting late, we arrived in the town of Breckenridge only to find cars sliding all over the place. The roads were icing up and I was in a front wheel drive rental car. This car could barely make up the last light out of town. I should have gotten a heavy SUV. I was not expecting the weather to change so rapidly, I was caught off guard.
Things you should check or have
Protect yourself and your family, be careful when you drive in these poor weather conditions.